Signs You Need to Call your Dentist and Schedule an Appointment Without a Second Thought

Signs You Need to Call your Dentist and Schedule an Appointment Without a Second Thought
Author: nearmedental

Most people neglect oral care and have the misconception that teeth require no care. You can be one of them and don’t have any idea about the signs you need to call your dentist and schedule an appointment. This can put the future of your teeth in serious danger.

To avoid oral diseases, you need to know when to see a dentist so that you can stop the diseases at an early stage. This will help you to lead a healthy oral life.

Top Signs You Need to Call your Dentist and Schedule an Appointment 

Here, let’s go through some signs that will indicate you need to see a dentist as soon as possible. Remember, ignoring these signs can put you in serious trouble in the future. Without making further ado, let’s dig into the list of signs:

Tooth Pain and Swelling

If you have ever experienced a toothache, you must know how miserably painful it is. If not treated in the earlier stages, such toothaches can lead to bigger risks in the future. The pain will increase with the number of days you leave it untreated. So, whenever you are experiencing tooth pain, immediately schedule an appointment with the dentist.

In case you notice swelling in your cheeks or in the area where there is tooth pain, it might be due to root infection. Such infection requires the immediate attention of a dentist. The dentist might prescribe you an antibiotic to kill the infection before it spreads. For the time being, this eases down the pain, but a full treatment is necessary for avoiding any further infections. 

These are some of the top signs you need to call your dentist and schedule an appointment.

Swollen, Inflamed, or Sore Gums

When you notice your gums becoming red and swore, you can consider it as gum disease. This is one of the top signs when you need to call your dentist and schedule an appointment. Gum diseases, which are at the initial stages, are treatable if you maintain proper oral hygiene and pay regular visits to the dental clinic. But when it becomes serious, it requires the complete attention of a dentist and some extra treatment. 

In case bacteria and plaque have accumulated below the gum line, it will need professional deep cleaning. 

Injury to the Mouth

In case you experience any kind of trauma or injury in your mouth, immediately book an appointment with the dentist. Even if it doesn’t feel like a dental emergency, you need to see the dentist. Trauma to the teeth is serious and can cause permanent damage to the root. So it’s important to see a dentist, to avoid any serious risks in the future. This is also one of the top signs when you need to call your dentist and schedule an appointment.

White Spots on Your Teeth

If you notice white spots on your teeth, immediately consult a dentist because these are the first signs of decay. If you consult the dentist at the initial stages, then you can prevent your teeth from cavities. Catching these diseases at an early stage can increase the chances of curing them immediately.

If you mark white spots in your gum, then that’s a sure sign of infection. Patients who have infections in the root do not experience pain immediately, but they might notice a pimple in their gum. If you find a pimple in your gum, don’t try to pop it. Rather, book an appointment with your dentist and consult them. White spots are one of the top signs you need to call your dentist and schedule an appointment.

Canker Sores

Painful canker sores can originate inside the mouth. These are tiny ulcers that might affect the gum, inside part of the lips, cheeks, roof of the mouth, and tongue. Most of the ulcers get cured in a week if you keep the sore part clean. 

But sometimes ulcers don’t heal due to stress, hormonal shifts, immunity issues, and food allergies. If you notice that your canker sores are not healing after a week, then consider consulting a dentist as soon as possible. A dentist will examine it and prepare a proper treatment plan for the same.

Bottom Line

Now you know exactly on which signs you need to call your dentist and schedule an appointment. Ignoring these signs can put you at risk in the future so avoid doing that. Don’t be late whenever you notice such signs; immediately consult a dentist for a proper examination.

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